
SenseHR Blog - Page 13

Why HR leaders need to consciously uncouple from spreadsheets
John Crowley • 

Why HR leaders need to consciously uncouple from spreadsheets

We get it, we’ve all been there. Spreadsheets are familiar but they’re holding your business back and reducing productivity. Here are some of the compelling reasons to make Excel your Ex.

HR Software
The evolving and growing role of the people profession
John Crowley • 

From “Big hat, no cattle” to “all the cattle and too many hats”: The evolving and growing role of the people profession 

The US saying from the 80s, “Big hat, no cattle”, summed up the idea that HR managers had a big important title, but no big important function to go with it. How things have changed! We look at how HR has grown into one of the most diverse, demanding, and agile roles in an organisation.

5 Steps to reduce absence and improve attendance
Abbi Melville • 

5 Steps to reduce absence and improve attendance 

SenseHR explores the causes of absenteeism and breaks down what you can do to foster a positive work culture and improve your teams’ attendance.

Feel at home with SenseHR
Bharat Jain • 

Feel at home with SenseHR: why company branding is more than just a fun feature 

Turning our HR software into your HR software is easier than waving your commemorative Harry Potter wand and saying the magic words. And it’s not just a bit of fun. It has a seriously postive effect on employee experience, engagement, and productivity

Pre-employment backgrounds checks
Abbi Melville • 

Pre-employment backgrounds checks: when you need them and the laws that regulate them 

How can you conduct background checks and still conform with British standards of politeness? Oh yes, and the law—that’s important too. Let’s have a cuppa and we’ll guide you through it.

Misleading Pricing Practices - The Dark Side of Discounts
John Crowley • 

Misleading Pricing Practices – The Dark Side of Discounts 

SenseHR takes a dirty dive into the unethical software pricing lures that some HR vendors use to drive sales and trap customers. Join us if you dare!

How next-gen HCM solutions
Sat Sindhar • 

How next-gen HCM solutions will set the people profession free

In Josh Bersin’s latest story he says that we need “HCM systems that are ‘employee systems first, HR systems second”. In this article we talk about all the ways that next generation HCM systems can do that. Let’s jump in the SenseHR time machine and look at the future of HR software!

5 integrations that you need for a complete HR management solution
Bharat Jain • 

The 5 integrations that you need for a complete HR management solution  

Because no HR department is an island, HR management software shouldn’t be either. The best solutions should reflect the interconnected and unique nature of people management … and that means integrations.

HR data safe
Abbi Melville • 

How to keep your HR data safe in 2023 and beyond 

When they sign a contract, your people are agreeing to hand over two of their most valuable assets—their time and their personal data. In return for their time, they can expect compensation.

CIPD Annual Conference and Exhibition 2022
John Crowley • 

What’s in store for us at the CIPD Annual Conference and Exhibition 2022? 

As another summer comes to an end and the nights begin to close in, as woolly jumpers grace our shop windows once again, and as we line up at Starbucks for our Pumpkin Spiced Latte, we can’t help but think about a little event beginning with C.