HR Essentials

All your HR records in one easy place

Store all data about all employees, contractors, starters and leavers in one secure, central system.

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Control of HR Admin
Key features

Store all employee information

Store everything about your workers, and check it all from one central screen - without needing to flick between dozens of pages.

to do's
to do's
Key features

Disciplinaries and grievances

Keep a record of all disciplinary action taken in relation to any of your people.

Key features


Smart to-do lists that tell you what’s needed next, and remind you of important dates or deadlines.

to do's To do
Training and development

Track the progress of training programmes, and identify key skill gaps in your workforce.

Probation and performance

Monitor performance, conduct 1-2-1's, and assign probation periods to new starters.

Right to work information

Stay on top of right to work information, and get reminders when it's due to expire.

Company documents and policies

Create or upload documents and mail merge templates, and get AI help to help you draft them.

Go completely paperless
org charts
Key features

Custom screens

Add as many custom information screens as you like, to track any type of information.

Key features


Let people e-sign documents from the system, and track who has seen or signed them.

Learn more
Free data migration

Our HR data experts will load your initial database into our system, free of charge.

Unlimited data storage

Keep leavers in the system, free forever - and store unlimited data and documents.

ISO27001 Certified

Protect your data, stay GDPR compliant - SenseHR is ISO27001:2023 certified.

Modern mobile app

Access employee records with your browser, or via the modern mobile app.

Learn more about the mobile app.

Ready to see how it works?

Book a 30-minute no-pressure demo with one of our experts.