Archive for

HR Software Category

How Does HR Software Work?
Petru Tinca • 

How Does HR Software Work? A Comprehensive Guide to Streamlining HR Management

How does HR software work? Read our guide so you understand exactly what HR software can and should be doing for you.

HR Software
How to use HR software
Abbi Melville • 

How to use HR software: A guide to efficient HR management

Human resource management has undergone a transformative shift, with the emergence of HR software revolutionising how organisations manage their workforce.

What is HR Software?
Bharat Jain • 

What is HR Software? A Comprehensive Guide to Modern Human Resource Management Systems

Understanding HR software, what it does, and the benefits can be tricky. Our article will help you feel confident knowing exactly what HR software should be doing for you.

The importance of customisation in HR software.
Petru Tinca • 

The importance of customisation in HR software.

Whether you’re applying company branding, creating new information screens, or editing user access rights… HR software is always better when it is customisable.

Data-driven HR:
Abbi Melville • 

Data-driven HR: How modern HR software transforms human resources analytics

Organisations are increasingly recognising the value of data-driven decision-making. And HR is no exception! Here’s how HR software transforms HR analytics.

How to increase user uptake of your new HR software
Abbi Melville • 

How to increase user uptake of your new HR software

Getting your people to use your new HR software is a challenge. But don’t worry – these five helpful tips will help you increase uptake of your new HR system.

backward compatibility when choosing HR apps for your business
John Crowley • 

Why you should factor backward compatibility when choosing HR apps for your business.

Backward compatibility is a crucial but often overlooked factor of HR apps. Can you be sure your HR software will work properly for employees with older phones?

4 steps to building a business case for new HR software.
Abbi Melville • 

4 steps to building a business case for new HR software

Know HR software will be good for your business, but struggling to get your colleagues on-board? Here’s how to build a strong business case for a new HR system.

How HR software can enable flexible working in inflexible industries
Bharat Jain • 

How HR software can enable flexible working in inflexible industries

There has been slower adoption of flexible working in more traditional industries, such as those that employ frontline workers with face-to-face job roles.

Take a break with SenseHR
John Crowley • 

Take a break with SenseHR

Still using clunky systems to track annual leave? Give team members a holiday booking system that they’ll love – and ensure they’re taking the breaks they need.