
SenseHR Blog - Page 8

What will the future office look like?
Petru Tinca • 

What will the future office look like?

As the modern workplace continues to evolve, we decided to look at some of the trends we’re seeing with modern office design – to answer the question: What will the future office look like?

HR Tech
6 ways people managers can support their staff's mental health.
Petru Tinca • 

6 ways people managers can support their staff’s mental health.

Mental health is the main cause of absence in the UK. Line managers play a crucial role – check out the 6 ways they can support mental health in the workplace.

Can ChatGPT help to automate HR?
John Crowley • 

Can ChatGPT help to automate HR?

Can ChatGPT play a role in automating your HR processes? We decided to put it to the test – and were pleasantly surprised by the results.

6 tips to inspire Generation Z
Abbi Melville • 

6 tips to inspire Generation Z

From mental health and well-being, to climate change and the gig economy – these 7 findings can help you to inspire Gen Z in the workplace today.

What type of bonus scheme is best for your business
Petru Tinca • 

What type of bonus scheme is best for your business? Here are 7 to consider.

Which is the best bonus scheme for your business? Learn about different options, and how to implement a successful compensation and reward strategy.

6 different types of employment contracts
Bharat Jain • 

6 different types of employment contracts and when to use them.

Which employment contracts best suit your business needs? We explore several, including full-time, part-time, zero-hour, self-employment, fixed-term and agency.

How to conduct a salary review in a high Inflation era
Abbi Melville • 

How to conduct a salary review in a high Inflation era

Economic turmoil is putting pressure on employers to give large pay rises. Here’s how HR professionals are conducting salary reviews in this high-inflation era.

What are contingent workers, and why should you care?
Petru Tinca • 

What are contingent workers, and why should you care?

Contingent workers are becoming an increasingly important part of the UK workforce. But what are they, and how can we help them feel included and connected?

Six advantages of older workers
John Crowley • 

Six advantages of older workers

Older workers often face discrimination. But research shows they can drive innovation, increase productivity and bring expertise and stability to the workplace.

Gender pay gap reporting - all you need to know.
Abbi Melville • 

Gender pay gap reporting – all you need to know.

Since 2017, UK employers with 250+ staff have been required to report their gender pay gap. But while the gap has declined, more work still needs to be done.