Archive for

Compensation Category

My employer hasn't paid me - what should I do?
Bharat Jain • 

My employer hasn’t paid me – what should I do?

The horror of checking your bank account only to find out you haven’t been paid – it can be shocking! Today, we look at some of the next steps you can take.

What Is a transparent pay policy, and should you make the shift?
Petru Tinca • 

What Is a transparent pay policy, and should you make the shift?

Having a transparent pay policy has its benefits, and doesn’t have to mean publishing the salaries of all people you hire – we explore further in this article.

Is it OK for an employee to have two jobs?
Bharat Jain • 

Is it OK for an employee to have two jobs?

1 in 10 UK employees are considering a second job in 2023 to make ends meet. It’s not illegal, but it can lead to burnout. Just how supportive should HR be?

Are unlimited leave policies viable?
Abbi Melville • 

Are unlimited leave policies viable? 

Unlimited holiday leave. Dangerous or appealing? Many companies have tried it, and had a lot of success – but your policy probably needs some careful caveats.

How will the cost-of-living (COL) crisis impact your employees in 2023?
Petru Tinca • 

How will the cost-of-living (COL) crisis impact your employees in 2023?

There’s a cost-of-living crisis, and more employees than ever are struggling to cope. Should you give a pay rise, or are there other ways you can help?

What type of bonus scheme is best for your business
Petru Tinca • 

What type of bonus scheme is best for your business? Here are 7 to consider.

Which is the best bonus scheme for your business? Learn about different options, and how to implement a successful compensation and reward strategy.

6 different types of employment contracts
Bharat Jain • 

6 different types of employment contracts and when to use them.

Which employment contracts best suit your business needs? We explore several, including full-time, part-time, zero-hour, self-employment, fixed-term and agency.

How to conduct a salary review in a high Inflation era
Abbi Melville • 

How to conduct a salary review in a high Inflation era

Economic turmoil is putting pressure on employers to give large pay rises. Here’s how HR professionals are conducting salary reviews in this high-inflation era.

Gender pay gap reporting - all you need to know.
Abbi Melville • 

Gender pay gap reporting – all you need to know.

Since 2017, UK employers with 250+ staff have been required to report their gender pay gap. But while the gap has declined, more work still needs to be done.

Top tips to hire a great people manager and boost staff retention
Abbi Melville • 

Top tips to hire a great people manager and boost staff retention

Great managers are a crucial part of retaining great people – but hiring them can be tough. Here are our five top tips for hiring great people managers.